Friday, June 1, 2012

People Get Ready

I will be selling t-shirts at my nephew's elementary school fleas market tomorrow. This will be the first time I set up shop to sell my own design of shirts. I am both excited and anxious. The process of printing the shirts has been an experience of discovery for me as I have employed some new techniques. I believe they will be well received by the public. *crosses fingers*

Here is a glimpse into the process...

First we set the mood with some music...

 Some old screens need to be cleaned...

 A new batch of photo emulsion needs to be mixed... It's very simple. Just fill the small bottle to 3/4 with water and add to the big jar and MIX!
 Apply to the screen. Allow it to dry... Burn a new screen from an image printed on a transparency sheet.
 This is the test run...
 Not perfect but getting there...

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